
Navigating Complexity in Higher Education
for the Greater Good

Efthymia Staiou, PhD

Dr Staiou has degrees in Mechanical Engineering, Operations Management, and Quality Management in Software Development. Dr Staiou, currently on the faculty of Industrial Engineering at Yasar University, is an internationally known expert in Quality Management, Engineering Economics, and Entrepreneurship. with over two decades of experience as a consultant and manager in the private and public sectors and more than a decade of experience in academia.

Dr Staiou is known for her extensive involvement in various EU projects and programs. She served as the General Manager of the Regional Development Fund of the Region of Central Macedonia (RDFCM). Amongst her other duties in RDFCM, she has managed and participated in numerous European projects under various European Programmes (such as INTERREG, INTERACT, MED, LIFE+, FP7, Europe INNOVA, etc) relevant to regional development, innovation management, entrepreneurship, renewable energy and environmental issues. During her years in academia, she spearheaded multiple projects co-funded by the EU under the umbrella of various European Programmes, such as Erasmus+ Strategic Partnerships, Erasmus+ Knowledge Alliances, Erasmus+ Capacity Building in HEI, EIT HEI Initiative, HORIZON-WIDERA, etc. Her main research interests lie in the fields of Entrepreneurship & Innovation Management, Sustainability, Quality Management, Industry-Academia collaboration, and Engineering Education.

Navigating Complexity

in Higher Education
for the Greater Good

Global Academics Coalition, LLC
Gainesville, Florida USA

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